
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

11 Reasons Why Bicycling in the U.S. Is Exceptionally Dangerous...and why We Love Kyoto


Cycling in the United States is not merely aggravating - for both cyclists and drivers of gasoline- and oil-burning vehicles - it is also dangerous.

Recent statistics from the OECD show that the United States, mile for mile, is the most dangerous place in the advanced world to cycle.

Here are a few choice stats thanks to Matt Phillips:

*Roughly “17% of all cycling fatalities were involved in a hit-and-run crash in which one (or several) of their crash opponents fled the scene (2005-2011, FARS) – presumably the motorist(s). This is nearly four times the rate of hit-and-run involvement for all recorded traffic fatalities over the same period in the United States (4%).”
*“Investigating officers on the scene of fatal bicycle crashes in the United States found no contributory factor on the part of the motorist in 46% of cases.”
*“An overwhelming majority of fatal bicycle crashes occur in dry or clear atmospheric conditions – 94% in the USA and 87% in Europe.”
*“One quarter of (deceased) cyclists for which an alcohol test was performed returned blood alcohol values above 0.08 mg/ltr which constitutes a drink-driving offense in all 50 US states.”
*“In the United States, most fatal bicycle-vehicle collisions involved a passenger car or light truck (Sports Utility Vehicle) though 10% of fatal bicycle collisions involved a large truck.”
*“In the United States, 36% of all fatal bicycle crashes for the period 2005-2011 occurred in junctions with another 4% in driveways (commercial and private) most likely caused by entering or exiting motor vehicles.”
*“In the United States, the share of fatal bicycle crashes occurring in low-speed zones was lower than in Europe – possibly because low-speed traffic calmed zones are relatively less common in the United States.”
*“In the United States, 27% of deceased cyclists for which helmet use was recorded wore helmets in 2010 and 2011.”
*“Red light running by cyclists … is an often-cited contributory factor in fatal and serious injury bicycle crashes (at least in the United States).”
*“Motorists were charged with traffic violations in nearly one third of all fatal bicycle crashes and investigating officers identified a crash-contributing factor on the part of the motorist in over half of all fatal bicycle crashes.”
*“Data from the United States indicate that cyclists were imputed with an improper action in 68% of fatal bicycle crashes (though, as noted earlier, this may be biased as the cyclist was not able to give their version of events).”

Japan, in spite of a lack of infrastructure, is much safer thanks primarily we think because of greater awareness on the part of drivers.


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Sunday, December 29, 2013

World Cycling News 29 December 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年12月29日

More bicyclists means fewer accidents, Phila. finds

Chris Froome: Tour de France winner signs new Team Sky deal BBC

Cycling down the world’s most dangerous road London Cyclist

Vélo au Sénégal - Trid-tour 2013.wmv YouTube

Most interesting cycling races of 2014 Guardian

La 'extra' por ir en bici El Pais

ジャパンカップ優勝のロジャースに続き、ブレインがクレンブテロール陽性反応、直後に自殺未遂、共通するキーワードは中国でのレース、今問われるチームと個人の食事管理体制 Cycling Time

New Welsh cycling law ‘must be copied’ The Times of London

Froome signs on for Team Sky again in 2014 Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

Up to 40% on selected Lights!

Landing Page

PDW Spaceship Front and Radbot 500 Rear Light Set
SAVE 40% = £14.00

Cateye EL-Uno Front and TL-Rapid 3 Rear Light Set
SAVE 25% = £12.50

Up to HALF PRICE! Cycle Shoe Clearance

Diadora Sprinter 2 Road Cycling Shoes
SAVE 50% = £36.20


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Friday, December 27, 2013

You can run over a pedestrian, but don't disturb my flight


Here is an interesting take on the use of cell phones and public transportation in the United States from WASHCYCLE.

I first complained about this on twitter in response to stories that Congress wanted to ban in-flight calls on airplanes for reasons of comfort.

“Simply put, the flying experience in the United States would be forever changed for the worse if voice calls are allowed on flights,” added Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.)

Whatever you might think about that*, it does seem odd that their is a panic about banning phone calls by passengers on airplanes, but no urgency for banning phone calls by drivers of cars. Someone pointed out that traffic laws are not in the federal perview the same way that transcontinental flights are. Fair enough - though congress did use a pretty big stick to get states to raise their drinking age and they could do the same here. But now we have local officials weighing in on this.

[Vincent] Orange found time to introduce a resolution that would discourage using cell phones in planes while in the air. It is very appropriately titled "Sense Of The Council Discouraging In-flight Cell Phone Calls Resolution Of 2013."

So, banning in-flight phone calls for reasons of comfort is important, but banning phone calls by drivers is not. Because we all know what is really important.

For more, click here.


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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Elephant Factory Coffee Kyoto Cycling

エレファント ファクトリー コーヒー京都自転車で

Tucked away in a small side street between Kawaramachi and Kiyamachi in central Kyoto is one of the best cafes in the city.

The quirky Elephant Factory Coffee serves up artisanal coffee - slowly.

The coffee is wonderful, the space tight, and tables full.

From the old Maruzen book store on Kawaramachi - now a junky karaoke place, head down the east-west street towards Kiyamachi.

At the first small street - alley - turn right.

The cafe is on the left on the second floor.

For bean freaks, this is the place to head.

Cyclists should avoid Kawaramachi. Ride down Kiyamachi and park wherever you can.


Address in Japanese:
京都府京都市中京区蛸薬師通木屋町東入ル備前島町309-4 HKビル 2F
075 212 1808


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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cycling Kyoto Christmas 2013


December 25 this year falls on a Wednesday.

In Kyoto, that means it is a normal work day. Post offices are open, salarymen pack trains, and the world goes on its normal workaday end-of-year rhythm.

Many companies are closing down for the new year's holidays, and there is a bit of a buzz in the air as all prepare to eat, drink, and do nothing for several days to welcome 2014.

Here is wishing for a healthy and safe 2014 - and the wind at your back.

Bicycle Goods

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

World Cycling News 22 December 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年12月22日

SF Police Face New Scrutiny Of How Bicycle Crashes Are Investigated CBS

London cyclists: Fifth of riders 'stop bike-commuting' BBC

Waterproof Jackets: 3 of the best London Cyclist

Rallier LE CAP DE BONNE ESPERANCE (AFRIQUE DU SUD) à partir de GREOUX-LES-BAINS (France) en utilisant au maximum comme moyen de locomotion : LE VELO Zag'Afrique

Cyclists stage 'die-in' at Vauxhall bridge over road safety Guardian

La bicicleta ‘fotosintética’ El Pais

ジャパンカップ優勝のロジャースに続き、ブレインがクレンブテロール陽性反応、直後に自殺未遂、共通するキーワードは中国でのレース、今問われるチームと個人の食事管理体制 Cycling Time

Boris denies police operation ‘picking on cyclists’ The Times of London

Rogers blames positive test on Chinese food Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

Up to 40% on selected Lights!

Landing Page

PDW Spaceship Front and Radbot 500 Rear Light Set
SAVE 40% = £14.00

Cateye EL-Uno Front and TL-Rapid 3 Rear Light Set
SAVE 25% = £12.50

Up to HALF PRICE! Cycle Shoe Clearance

Diadora Sprinter 2 Road Cycling Shoes
SAVE 50% = £36.20


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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Kyoto Arashiyama Illumination 2013

嵐山は元気です 「花灯路」始まる印刷用画面を開く

The annual illumination in Arashiyama, Kyoto, is now underway.

Every evening from about 5 pm until 8:30, the area's famed bridge - Togetsukyo - is lit up.

Some 2500 tiny lights have been set up on the bridge supports.

The illumination takes place every night until December 23rd.

Cyclists should try to park a few blocks from the bridge and then walk.

Photo © Kyoto Shinbun


CycleKyoto Home Page


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Bike Regulations in Japan

Kyoto Sidewalk Cycling新しい自転車法2014年

As of January 1, 2014, bicycles in Japan will no longer be allowed on sidewalks.

Instead, they should ride with traffic on the left side of the road.

This sounds logical enough.

Pedestrians should be able to walk on a sidewalk without fear of being hit by a cyclist.

However, we suspect that the law will not be enforced, or perhaps only enforced in pre-announced police campaigns. Once the campaign period is over - no more enforcement.

Moreover, cycling on sidewalks in urban Japan is often the safer - though slower - alternative.

As Amy Chavez notes,

"Statistics support this. In 2011, cycling accidents involving cars killed 556 people, while those involving pedestrians killed six. Just one death resulted from cyclist-on-cyclist accidents. If these figures are reliable, they suggest that violating the law regarding riding on undesignated sidewalks is the safest thing you can do!"

(However, we take issue with Chavez's assertion that: "But after that point, I wonder if there aren’t huge advantages to riding against the flow of traffic so you can see what is coming and avoid an accident (the very reason it is recommended you walk against the traffic). The only advantage to riding into traffic - on the wrong side of the road - is that you will be able to see cars as they hit you.)

Finally, without a developed bicycle infrastructure - proper bike lanes, etc. - cyclists will be forced onto already clogged city streets.


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Sunday, December 15, 2013

World Cycling News 15 December 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年12月15日

Risk of injury for bicycling on cycle tracks versus in the street Journalists Resource

Bradley Wiggins knighted at Buckingham Palace BBC

What is your bike made of? Bike frame materials and their properties London Cyclist

EuroVelo en France France Velo Tourism

Mistakes that doom cycling races Guardian

La revolución cargo El Pais

ペロトンに蔓延していた不正、モラルが腐っていたのはやはり自転車界そのもの!堕ちた英雄ランス・アームストロング、ドーピングに続き買収による八百長演出を告発される! Cycling Time

Deadly road junctions to be made safer for cyclists The Times of London

Cyclist Froome says battle with parasitic illness is over Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

Up to 40% on selected Lights!

Landing Page

PDW Spaceship Front and Radbot 500 Rear Light Set
SAVE 40% = £14.00

Cateye EL-Uno Front and TL-Rapid 3 Rear Light Set
SAVE 25% = £12.50

Up to HALF PRICE! Cycle Shoe Clearance

Diadora Sprinter 2 Road Cycling Shoes
SAVE 50% = £36.20


CycleKyoto Home Page


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Kyoto Bicycle Lanes Best Three 2013

Bike Lane South Kyoto京都市専用自転車レーンベスト3

As noted in last Thursday's blog, Kyoto does not have proper bike lanes that are completely separated from either pedestrian or automobile traffic.

However, the city does have a handful of lanes that are pleasant enough and functional.

Here are the three Best Bike Lanes in Kyoto in 2013.

3. Bronze Medal - Takeda Kaido in Deep Deep South Kyoto

In far deep south Kyoto is this short, attractive bicycle lane. Pictured above right, it is south of Jujo (10th street) - Kawaramachi, goes under a highway ramp, and is just a bit west of the Kamo River. We're not sure who would use it - or why it was necessary (there is almost no pedestrian or bicycle traffic on the wide sidewalk) - but is a step in the right direction. It is separated from pedestrian traffic by a low row of bushes - plants! - and on from the street by a low curb. Both the landscaping and signage are tatstefully done.

Nice job.

Bike Lane Kyoto2. Silver Medal - Kujo Dori

It was a toss up between Kujo Dori (9th Street) and the Bronze medalist noted above. The reason we give Kujo the silver medal is that this lane is used since it is in a densely populated area.

The lane runs along Kujo in the heart of south Kyoto, from Takeda to Kawaramachi, which is not far from Toji Temple.

It has to be one of the first, if not the first, bike lanes in Kyoto. The signs are cheesy and evocative of a 1970s era city planner's idea of chic.

The paving is uneven, and the lane is not long - but you ride in a mostly separated lane while pedestrians generally keep to their part of the sidewalk.

Not bad at all.

Drum roll, please. It is time for the 2013 award for the Best Bicycle Lane in Kyoto. And the winner is, for the second year in a row:

1. Gold Medal - Gojo Dori

On the sidewalks of one the city's major boulevards is a decent bike lane. Pictured below right, the Gojo Bike Lane runs on both sides of the street (north and south) from the Kamo River until Horikawa. The Gojo bicycle lanes opened in March of 2011.

It has clear, well-spaced signage and the pavement also indicates whether you are in the bike lane or pedestrian area. In places, though, the lane is broken up by pedestrian overpasses - bridges to the other side of the street - and in other places there are long gaps in the quasi-barrier, so pedestrians do wander into the bike lane.

Well done.

Special Mention - Karasuma Dori between Marutmachi and Shijo (and ultimately Kyoto Station)

Kyoto recently created a new bike "lane" along a stretch of Karasuma Street. It runs on both sides of the street from Marutamachi, at the corner of the Imperial Palace, down to Shijo Street.

In addition, according to a city handout, the lane will ultimately stretch south from there to Gojo, Shichijo, all the way to Kyoto Station at Shiokoji Street Lanes are on both sides of the street. Each is an umber colored space painted onto the road, unfenced, and 2.5 meters wide.

We remain hopeful.

Bike Lane Gojo Kyoto©

CycleKyoto Home Page


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kyoto Sanga 2013 Season Update

kyoto purple sanga京都サンガ2013年シーズン終了

Sanga broke our hearts again.

For the second year in a row, the J2 team finished in third place in the regular season.

The top two teams - this year Gamba Osaka and Vissel Kobe - automatically qualify for promotion to J1. The four teams that finish in third, fourth, fifth and sixth place enter a playoff for the final spot in J1.

Kyoto tied in its first match, against sixth place Nagasaki, and thus "won" and proceeded to the final game against the winner of the match between the fourth and fifth place teams.

On Sunday, at the National Stadium in Tokyo, all Kyoto had to do to earn promotion was not lose.

Tokushima scored two first half goals, and that was more than enough.

Kyoto dominated the entire match - shots on goal (Kyoto 13, Tokushima 4), corner kicks (Kyoto 11, Tokushima 4), and ball possession - but could not score.

And thus we are back in lowly J2 for yet another year.

Ticket Information (in Japanese)

Cycling for home games at Nishikyogoku is a flat and easy 20 minutes from central Kyoto and parking is free and readily available.

Up to 40% off Best Selling Bike Brands

View Cycling to Kyoto Nishi Kyogoku Stadium in a larger map

Asics running shoes, now up to 40% off!


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Sunday, December 8, 2013

World Cycling News 8 December 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年12月08日

Shifting Gears: Commuting Aboard The L.A. Bike Trains NPR

Caution: Danger in the Traffic Lanes New York Times

Chris Froome aiming to lead cycling into new drugs-free era BBC

What is your bike made of? Bike frame materials and their properties London Cyclist

Paris Velib Abonnements & Tarifs Velo Quebec

Did my boy ride his first bike into the sunset? No Guardian

#CiclistasMolestos El Pais

ベテランたちの明暗:3度目のドーピングのディルーカは競技界から永久追放に!所属チームのなかった2011年ブエルタ王者のコーボはトルコのコンチネンタルチームと契約 Cycling Time

Cyclists could get head start at traffic lights to cut deaths The Times of London

Cyclist Danilo Di Luca banned for life for doping Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

Up to 40% on selected Lights!

Landing Page

PDW Spaceship Front and Radbot 500 Rear Light Set
SAVE 40% = £14.00

Cateye EL-Uno Front and TL-Rapid 3 Rear Light Set
SAVE 25% = £12.50

Up to HALF PRICE! Cycle Shoe Clearance

Diadora Sprinter 2 Road Cycling Shoes
SAVE 50% = £36.20


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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Worst Bicycle Lanes Kyoto 2013

Bike Lane Kyoto京都市専用自転車レーンワースト3

It is time for CycleKyoto's annual "Worst Bicycle Lanes" list. Kyoto does not have any bike lanes that are completely separated from either pedestrian or automobile traffic. Therefore, one is talking degrees of separation, or degrees of less bad bike lanes.

In recognition of the city's half-hearted (baked?) effort at laying down an infrastructure for cyclists - excluding, of course, the many parking lots for bicycles here is the second annual awards for Worst Three Bicycle Lanes in Kyoto.

We have not included any of the "lanes" painted onto sidewalks. The winning lanes are on the road.

3. Bronze Medal - Oike Dori on the south side of Nijo Castle

Going east towards downtown as you ride past Nijo Castle on your left, the left lane of Oike Dori in is a "bike lane." (A picture of the lane is on page 12 of this Kyoto City report on bike lanes.) We know this because on the street in large block white letters it is noted 自転車専用 (exclusively for bicycles). However, the lane has been colonized by cabbies, salarymen, delivery trucks, and others who park there, which forces cyclists back out into the remaining lane and traffic. Moreover, aside from the lettering, there is nothing - no construction, no signage, nothing - to indicate its putative purpose.

Useless and dangerous.

Bike Lane Kyoto2. Silver Medal - on Shinmachi Dori in front of the Police Headquarters

This "lane" is brilliantly bad (see left). It is just one city block, or roughly 250 meters long. It goes to nowhere, and comes from nowhere. It is the Dante Tenth Circle of Hell Bike Lane: you can circle the two sides of the street, within the lanes, forever, getting nowhere, going nowhere, accomplishing nothing.

Moreover, a taxi lane is built into part of the lane on the west side, so that cops and bureaucrats at the prefectural government building next store can catch a ride home. Also, because of complaints about the coloring - it was too bright and blue - the lane was repainted a more subtle, a more "Kyoto" brownish purple. According to the Yomiuri newspaper, that cost the taxpayers 6.5 million yen ($78,500). In typical Kyoto fashion, the awful original paint job, and then the money involved to redo it, nearly caused a riot.


Drum roll, please. It is time for the 2013 award for the worst bicycle lane in Kyoto. And the winner is:

1. Gold Medal - The "lanes" pictured at the top right and below right on Rokkaku Dori, Higashinotoin, etc., in the center of town north of Daimaru Department store. The lanes are barely as wide as normal handlebars. Outside the white line is the space designated for pedestrians; cyclists are allotted the space within the white and purple lines; and automobiles are squeezed into the middle space.

Absolutely hopeless. A complete and utter waste of time and money.

To give the city its due, we will look at the best three lanes next week.

Bike Lane Kyoto©

CycleKyoto Home Page


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Free Cruise to Chikubu Island Lake Biwa

Chikubu Island竹生島を散策しよう 長浜のNPOがモニター募る

A speck of an island at the northern end of Lake Biwa, Chikubu is a short boat ride from Nagahama.

A local non-profit group called "Machi Tsukuri Biwa" is offering a free trip out to the island.

Trips are limited to groups of 2-5 people, one group per day, every day but Tuesday. The ship departs from the Minami Hamako Port in Nagahama at 10 am. Upon arrival the group will walk around the small island.  The group will return to the island's port by around noon.

In the afternoon, free electric bike are available for cycling the island.

The island is famous for its view of Lake Biwa and is designated as a goddess of music. On the tiny island are Hogonji Temple and Tsukubusuma Shrine.

The waters around Chikubu are among the deepest in Lake Biwa. On the west side, it is 104 meters to the lake bottom.


The trips are scheduled to run until March 23. For information and reservations, call 0749 72 4349.

Photo © Wikipedia


CycleKyoto Home Page


Sunday, December 1, 2013

World Cycling News 1 December 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年12月01日

How to Shorten Commutes (1 Letter) New York Times

Lance Armstrong settles $3m bonuses lawsuit BBC

I would cycle but it’s…. London Cyclist

ABC du transport actif Velo Quebec

A police ticket quota for cyclists won't stop the deaths on London's streets Guardian

"Lo más importante ahora es que los madrileños se crean la bicicleta" El Pais

透明な自転車?素材革新が生み出す新たな可能性、これぞまさにステルスバイク! Cycling Time

Traffic police given target to fine 10 cyclists a month The Times of London

2015 Tour starts with short time trial in Utrecht Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

Up to 40% on selected Lights!

Landing Page

PDW Spaceship Front and Radbot 500 Rear Light Set
SAVE 40% = £14.00

Cateye EL-Uno Front and TL-Rapid 3 Rear Light Set
SAVE 25% = £12.50

Up to HALF PRICE! Cycle Shoe Clearance

Diadora Sprinter 2 Road Cycling Shoes
SAVE 50% = £36.20


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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Can Bikes, Cars & Pedestrians Share?


With all the hostility on US streets, peace talks - or at least the possibility thereof - and concrete action may be on the horizon.

Is peace possible between cyclists, drivers and pedestrians on the streets of New York? Sam Schwartz (aka Gridlock Sam at the Daily News), former NYC Traffic Commissioner and president and CEO of the traffic planning and engineering firm Sam Schwartz Engineering DPC, talks about the candidates' visions for fitting more cyclists onto crowded streets and his own proposal for promoting better cyclist behavior.

Here is an update and a bit from the Brian Lehrer show.


CycleKyoto Home Page


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Best Cycling Cities in Japan 2013

Bike Path in Osaka日本自転車都市ベスト5

Here is CycleKyoto's subjective list on the best urban areas for cycling in Japan, 2013.

1. Osaka
2. Tokyo
3. Kyoto
4. Nara

To be honest, we have not cycled in Sapporo, Sendai, Kamakura or Fukuoka. Sapporo is too cold, Sendai we don't know. Kamakura we love and have walked much of it, but with a population of only 160,000 it is a bit too small for this survey (we made the cutoff at 300,000). Fukuoka is a great city and on the "must cycle soon" list.

The most "surprising" omission will be Nagoya. For those who follow Copenhagenize and its annual ranking of best cities worldwide for cycling, in 2013 Tokyo finished 10th and Nagoya tied for 11th with Munich and Montreal (the criteria the blog uses are listed below in italics).

Even a close reading of the criteria leaves us scratching our helmeted head. Tokyo, yes. In terms of cycling culture, facilities, gender split, modal share, safety, Tokyo - almost any Japanese city - would score well. But Nagoya? The home of Toyota, wide car-filled boulevards, and as suburban as any city in Japan with the most deeply entrenched automobile culture in the country? Please.

Osaka CastleFor good urban cycling, Osaka takes the Japanese crown. It is flat, relatively compact, has many bike lanes (most on wide wide sidewalks), and a deep cycling culture. From salarymen to grandmoms, students to hipsters, nearly everyone is on a bike. To Osakans, a bike is a tool, an extension of the body used to get from A to B.

Tokyo comes in a close second to Osaka because it is hillier, more spread out, and busier.

Kyoto is the perfect size, mainly flat until you hit the mountains that surround the city, home to more than 100,000 university students (out of a population 1.5 million), and has a long and enduring bike culture. The city's efforts at improving the infrastructure have been hit or miss, but dearth of bike lanes notwithstanding the city is still a great place to ride.

Nara is small and chill and a great place to get around on a bike, whether you are a tourist or a resident.

Hiroshima got in by the skin of its teeth. We have a soft spot for the city - the rivers, wide streets, trams, great vibe, fun nightlife - but not having cycled Fukuoka or Sendai, this ranking comes with an asterisk.

Here are the Copenhagenize criteria for ranking cities:

How is the city's (or region/country) advocacy NGO(s) regarded and what level of influence does it have?
Rated from no organised advocacy to strong advocacy with political influence.

Bicycle Culture:
Has the bicycle reestablished itself as transport among regular citizens or only sub-cultures?
Rated from no bicycles on the urban landscape/only sporty cyclists to mainstream acceptance of the bicycle.

Bicycle Facilities:
Are there readily accessible bike racks, ramps on stairs, space allocated on trains and buses and well-designed wayfinding, etc?
Rated from no bicycle facilities available to widespread and innovative facilities.

Bicycle Infrastructure:
How does the city's bicycle infrastructure rate?
Rated from no infrastructure/cyclists relegated to using car lanes to high level of safe, separated cycle tracks.

Cycling Osaka CastleBike Share Programme:
Does the city have a comprehensive and well-used bike-sharing programme?
Rated from no bike share programme to comprehensive, high-usage programme.

Gender Split
What percentage of the city's cyclists are male and female?
Rated from overwhelming male to an even gender split or more women than men cycling.

Modal Share For Bicycles:
What percentage of modal share is made up by cyclists?
Rated from under 1% to over 25%.

Modal Share Increase Since 2006:
What has the increase in modal share been since 2006 - the year that urban cycling started to kick off?
Rated from under 1% to 5%+.

Perception of Safety:
Is the perception of safety of the cyclists in the city, reflected in helmet-wearing rates, positive or are cyclists riding scared due to helmet promotion and scare campaigns?
Rated from mandatory helmet laws with constant promotion of helmets to low helmet-usage rate.

What is the political climate regarding urban cycling?
Rated from the bicycle being non-existent on a political level to active and passionate political involvement.

Social Acceptance:
How do drivers and the community at large regard urban cyclists?
Rated from no social acceptance to widespread social acceptance.

Urban Planning:
How much emphasis do the city's planners place on bicycle infrastructure - and are they well-informed about international best practice?
Rated from car-centric urban planners to planners who think bicycle - and pedestrian - first.

Traffic Calming:
What efforts have been made to lower speed limits - for example 30 km/h zones - and generally calm traffic in order to provide greater safety to pedestrians and cyclists?
Rated from none at all to extensive traffic-calming measures prioritising cyclists and pedestrians in the traffic hierarchy.


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Sunday, November 24, 2013

World Cycling News 24 November 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年11月24日

Is the NYT op-ed right? Killing cyclists is O.K.? SFGate

Lance Armstrong settles $3m bonuses lawsuit BBC

The five best things about winter riding London Cyclist

Choisir une destination
Québec | États-Unis | Canada | Amérique du Sud
Europe | Afrique | Asie | Destinations soleil Velo Quebec

London’s cycling culture is developing in a dangerous direction Guardian

La extraña gracia de los famosos sin bicicleta El Pais

旧UCI体制の崩壊とともに噴出する元会長ヴァルブルーゲンの横暴、マックエイドへと引き継がれた”負の遺産”の枢軸、圧力と脅しがねじ曲げた自転車レース界と決別の時は今しかない Cycling Time

Met chief Hogan-Howe admits: I wouldn’t cycle in London The Times of London

Outcry over cyclists killed in 'death trap' London Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

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Thursday, November 21, 2013



Here is a tongue firmly planted in cheek take on why "not" to cycle to work from Brendan Leonard.

9. It’s too dangerous.

Can you imagine being out there on a bicycle with all these crazy drivers flying past you, nothing to protect you except a plastic and styrofoam shell on your head? You could get killed. The absolute best thing is to stay in the protective cage of your car, because no one’s ever been killed when they’re inside an automobile. Driving is safe.

8. You have to wear a tie to work. Or a suit. Or a skirt.

Not only that, it’s important to wear your tie/suit/business casual attire from the moment you leave your house in the morning until the moment you get home. There is no conceivable way you could leave some clothes at your office, and change into them after you ride your bike to work, two or three days a week. Plus, your suit/tie combination is so dialed, you can’t just spread your tie collection out over two locations. Where the hell is my cornflower blue tie? I need to see if it looks good with these shoes. And like there’s some way to ride a bike in skirt or a dress?

7. You have to go to the gym after/before work.

For the rest of the article, click here.

Cycling to work in Kyoto - which is almost entirely free of bike lanes, is packed with cars, cyclists, and pedestrians - is great. Once you learn the dance, you will never go back.


CycleKyoto Home Page


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cycling From Kyoto Station to Tofukuji Temple

Tofukuji Temple自転車で京都駅~東寺~東福寺へ


A cold front has moved into Kyoto and western Japan. This makes cycling early in the morning and late a night a bit chilly.

However, midday is glorious.

For those who have just arrived, a great ride in Kyoto is from Kyoto Station to Toji Temple and then on to Tofukuji Temple.

Toji Temple is a short ride south of the mega-station building. From there it is about 15 minutes through industrial south Kyoto to some of the most beautiful fall colors you will ever see.

Ride South Kyoto ride.


toji-pagodaCycleKyoto Home Page

Bicycle Goods

Primal Tri Apparel
LIST PRICE £119.99
SAVE 10% = £12.00

Up to 30% Off on Compression and Baselayers

Gore Bike Wear Ladies Windstopper Thermo Long Sleeve Base Layer
SAVE 40% = £24.00


Sunday, November 17, 2013

World Cycling News 17 November 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年11月17日

Is It O.K. to Kill Cyclists? New York Times

Lance Armstrong: Life ban could be reduced, says Usada chief BBC

Base layers to keep you warm this winter London Cyclist

Corporation Véloroute des Baleines tient à souligner Le support majeur
de la MRC Manicouagan Velo Quebec

London cycling deaths – Guardian readers on their own near misses Guardian

El 'airbag' para la bicicleta El Pais

レッドブル ホーリーライド2013
所属チーム決まらぬサミュエル・サンチェス、将来を見越してドバイスカイチームへ移籍か?エウスカルテル・エウスカディは、エウスカディとしてコンチネンタルチームとして再起の可能性? Cycling Time

Boris is urged to act swiftly over deaths of cyclists The Times of London

Armstrong's urge to tell all is 'a little late' - USADA Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

Felt F95 Sora Wiggle Exclusive
LIST PRICE £648.99
SAVE 35% = £227.15

Felt F85 Tiagra Wiggle Exclusive
LIST PRICE £798.99
SAVE 32% = £255.68

Felt Z95 Sora Wiggle Exclusive
LIST PRICE £648.99
SAVE 32% = £207.68


CycleKyoto Home Page


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kyoto Sanga Soccer Update November 2013

kyoto purple sanga京都サンガ2013年11月

Sanga lost last weekend to second place Gamba, thus guaranteeing a place in the playoff zone - and not automatic promotion to J1.

Translated, that sentence means that Sanga cannot finish in first or second place, and thus will have to win a round of playoff games with the four teams that finish in 3rd to 6th place to go up to the top division.

There are two matches left in the regular season - against relatively weak Mito and Ibaraki - and nine points separate Sanga and Gamba. Ergo, we are back at the exact same place we were a year ago.

The final home game of the season is the 24th, which is the last game of the regular year. Kickoff is at 12:30.

Ticket Information (in Japanese)

Cycling for home games at Nishikyogoku is a flat and easy 20 minutes from central Kyoto and parking is free and readily available.

Up to 40% off Best Selling Bike Brands

View Cycling to Kyoto Nishi Kyogoku Stadium in a larger map

Asics running shoes, now up to 40% off!


CycleKyoto Home Page


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Two Bikes in Arashiyama

Arashiyama Bicycles京都嵐山にある自転車二台

On a chilly fall Sunday, we rode via Nishi Kyogoku - home to Kyoto Sanga, the city's soccer team - along the bike path to Arashiyama.

It was blustery and overcast but many were out.

The local farmers were busy in their fields; nearby college students were barbequing.

Not far from Matsuo Taisha, a little league baseball game was taking place. Parents huddled in small groups and cheered on the boys.

When we got closer to Arashiyama, much of the debris from the September storm could be seen. Branches, dirt, and trash were piled up in mounds along the banks of the river.

Once in the touristed areas of Arashiyama though, foot traffic was so thick that we turned back without crossing the Togetsukyo Bridge and heading into the main drag of the neighborhood that runs in front of Tenryuji Temple and a bit further up the famous bamboo grove.

This coming weekend will be even more congested as the leaves should be out in all their glory.


CycleKyoto Home Page


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Winter Weather Hits Kyoto


Winter has arrived in Kyoto.

While actual snow fell in northern Honshu and Hokkaido, Kyoto has yet to experience that this year.

Still the city got hit by a cold front that drove temperatures down to 5 degrees (41 Fahrenheit) with highs only expected to hit 10 degrees (50 F) today.

That means early December weather and - after a warm October - a sudden burst of fall color.

Time to pull out the tights for the ride to Demachiyanagi on our commute.

Up to 20% off 2014 lights and reflectives

Cateye TL-LD600 LED Rear Light
SAVE 13% = £2.29


CycleKyoto Home Page


Monday, November 11, 2013

Japanese Service Kyoto Bike Shop


The experience was not uncommon, and in Japanese is called "omotenashi."

I went to Koseki, an upscale bike shop near Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.

The weather has turned cold and I was looking at leggings.

They were mostly priced in the 10,000 yen ($100) range, which was too much.

While peering around, a very pregnant clerk I knew came over to talk to me. She brought with her a cup of green tea for me.

She asked what I was looking for, I told her "less expensive leggings."

She said that they would be arriving in a week.

Then she asked if I was going to Cycle Mode, the major bike show in Japan. I was indeed.

Thereupon, two tickets were produced.

I bought nothing, thanked her, left with warm tea in my belly and two tickets in my hand.

"Thanks for coming, look forward to your next visit."

This is service, Japanese style.


Koseki Cycle

Just before you get to the geisha area Kamishichiken, not far from Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.

 075 463 3428

Closed Mondays


CycleKyoto Home Page


Sunday, November 10, 2013

World Cycling News 10 November 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年11月10日

Start-Up Reinvents the Bicycle Wheel New York Times

Lance Armstrong: Doping in 1990s could not be stopped BBC

Stumbled across this whilst cycling London Cyclist

Sur La Route Verte Velo Quebec

Investment in cycling can increase bike journeys, study shows Guardian

Madrid eléctrica El Pais

レッドブル ホーリーライド2013
Red Bull Holy Ride 2013 ~ 神仏の地で行われるエクストリームライド第3弾!応頂山勝尾寺で”勝運”を掴んだのはポルク!究極の石段ダウンヒルはド迫力 Cycling Time

More funding needed to meet cycling targets The Times of London

US man threatened US drug chief over Armstrong probe Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

15 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £100
£40 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £200

Offer starts: 24/10/13 at 16:00 GMT
Offer ends: 29/10/13 at 16:00 GMT

Code: Money-Off-1 and Money-Off-2
In stock items only, excludes helmet and glasses


£15 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £100
£40 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £200


¥2300 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend ¥16500
¥6300 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend ¥33000


CycleKyoto Home Page


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Seiho Takeuchi Exhibit of Painting for First Time in 95 Years

Takeuchi Seiho幻の名画、95年ぶり公開 竹内栖鳳「日稼」、モデルのめい対面

Takeuchi Seiho (1864 - 1942) is currently enjoying renewed interest thanks to a large exhibit now on at the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art.

One painting is being exhibited for the first time in 95 years.

The painting is entitled "Day Laborer" depicts a woman taking a break and drinking soup at a corner of Higashi Honganji Temple.

The painting is dated 1917 and the details are stunning, from her clothing to the background.


Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art
124 Okazaki, Enshoji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Tel: 075 771 4107

Tuesday - Sunday 9:00 - 17:00
October 22 - December 1


CycleKyoto Home Page


Friday, November 8, 2013

Top 10 Countries with Most Bicycles per Capita

Kyoto Mother Cycling with child on back一人当たりの自転車の所有権上位10カ国

More than a billion bicycles ply the world's roads. That is more than double the number of automobiles.

Here are the ten countries with the highest per capita bicycle ownership.

1. Netherlands (Population: 6,652,800 Bicycles: 16,500,000 Percentage: 99.1%)
2. Denmark (Population: 5,560,628 Bicycles: 4,500,000 Percentage: 80.1%)
3. Germany (Population: 81,802,000 Bicycles: 62,000,000 Percentage  75.8%)
4. Sweden (Population: 9,418,732 Bicycles: 6,000,000 Percentage: 63.7%)
5. Norway (Population: 4,943,000 Bicycles: 3,000,000 Percentage: 60.7%)
6. Finland (Population: 5,380,200 Bicycles: 3,250,000 Percentage: 60.4%)
7. Japan (Population: 127,370,000 Bicycles: 72,540,000 Percentage: 56.9%)
8. Switzerland (Population: 7,782,900 Bycicles: 3,800,000 Percentage: 48.8)
9. Belgium (Population: 10,827,519 Bicycles: 5,200,000 Percentage: 48%)
10. China (Population: 1,342,700,000 Bicycles: >500,000,000 Percentage: 37.2%)

Not surprisingly, the USA does not fare well (Population: 310,936,000 Bicycles: 100,000,000 Bicylists: 32,2%).

Note: some of the above math and numbers seem a bit off - Holland? - but we are not going to dip our big toe in that pond.

Source: Sacramento News and Review


CycleKyoto Home Page


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Eikando Temple Kyoto Illumination

eikando temple色づく秋 永観堂で試験点灯

The leaves are finally beginning to turn color in Kyoto. Tonight a cold front is predicted to descend upon western Japan, which will speed the annual display of orange, red, and yellow.

One of the best known spots in the city for viewing the beautiful leaves is Eikando Temple.

To highlight the colors, the temple will be illuminated until December 5.

The three thousand Japanese maple trees will be bathed in light every night from 5:30 until 8:30 pm.


Eikando Temple is on the Philosophers Walk in eastern Kyoto.

Eikando Temple
075 761 0007

Entrance Fee: 600 yen


CycleKyoto Home Page


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Fines For Texting and Using Head Phones While Cycling in Kyoto

Kyoto Woman on Bicycle京都で「ながら自転車」罰金

Kyoto will introduce fines for cyclists who text or use a cell phone while cycling.

In addition, cycling while using headphones or earbuds "at high volume that prevents one from hearing the sounds around one" also will result in penalties.

According to news reports, both of these behaviors will face fines of "up to 50,000 yen" (about $500).

We support this move but are skeptical that, short of causing an accident, few cyclists will ever be stopped and fined for cell phone use or listening to music while cycling.


CycleKyoto Home Page


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Park and Ride in Kyoto Fall Tourism Season

Raku Bus Kyoto秋の京観光、イライラ少なく パーク&ライドが最大規模に

In order to avoid one of Kyoto's annual events - fall traffic jams - the city is promoting "Park-and-Ride."

As the moniker suggests, the city would like tourists to drive to a distant parking lot, and then take public transportation.

With Kyoto's decent public transportation network - JR, Keihan, Kintetsu, Eiden, Randen; Kyoto city buses, JR buses; and two subway lines - this is often possible.

Especially during peak leaf-viewing time - two weekends in November (16-17, 23-24) - traffic in certain areas such as Higashiyama, Arashiyama, etc. can be horrendous.

The city will set up free lots on those two weekends, one at Tambaguchi with connections for Keihan rail lines.

In the aforementioned areas, moreover, there will be restrictions on driving at those times.

In our humble opinion, this is all fine and well. However, two other options - more permanent - would solve much of the traffic congestion.

Bike lanes around the city would make cycling a much more attractive and safe option, both on those peak weekends and year-round.

Second, bringing back the trolley network that was discontinued in the late 1970s would go a long way to helping locals, students, and tourists get around the city safely, quickly, and comfortably.

For both, dedicated lanes are key.


CycleKyoto Home Page


Monday, November 4, 2013

Rails-to-Trails Heads to US Supreme Court


The American bicycle advocacy group Rails-to-Trails is headed to the US Supreme Court.

To quote the group:

"...the case pits a private landowner against established federal law that
allows former rail corridors created from public lands to be preserved
intact for public use - in this case a rail-trail that connects
to the Medicine Bow National Forest.

"Rails-to-Trails Conservancy was involved in this case last year, and
will once again be filing a brief - this time before the high

"This is a case that could have a lasting impact on the future of
rail-trails across the country. A win would reaffirm the grand vision
of our forefathers that explicitly held that these linear public
spaces should remain of and for the people.

"A loss would not only potentially block the public rail-trail
providing access to Medicine Bow National Forest, but would also
threaten rail-trails across America that utilize federally granted
rights of way

"As the only organization in America committed to defending the
preservation of railroad corridors for public access, Rails-to-Trails
Conservancy will be there in the Supreme Court fighting for trails and
transportation advocates nationwide."

For more information, click here.


CycleKyoto Home Page


Sunday, November 3, 2013

World Cycling News 3 November 2013

tofu seller bike kyoto今週のサイクリング2013年11月03日

Drivers and Cyclists Should Be Equals New York Times

Track Cycling World Cup: GB win double team pursuit gold BBC

5 Cyclists I love to hate London Cyclist

Lauréats 2013 Velo Quebec

What can the UK learn from Japan's cycling culture? Guardian

La revolución de la clase creativa El Pais

2012ジロ覇者のヘシェダルが過去のドーピングを告白、時効となってからの告白にカナダスポーツ倫理委員会は困惑、現役選手は「”嘘つきの世代”の語る言葉は信じられない」と厳しい言葉 Cycling Time

Call for cash to boost cycling and walking The Times of London

British women set new pursuit world record Yahoo

Last Week's Cycling News

Bicycle Goods

15 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £100
£40 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £200

Offer starts: 24/10/13 at 16:00 GMT
Offer ends: 29/10/13 at 16:00 GMT

Code: Money-Off-1 and Money-Off-2
In stock items only, excludes helmet and glasses


£15 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £100
£40 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend £200


¥2300 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend ¥16500
¥6300 off ALL CLOTHING& ALL SHOES when you spend ¥33000


CycleKyoto Home Page


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Kyoto Geisha Dance Performance

Kyoto Geisha Dance舞あでやか秋の風情 「祇園をどり」開幕

The "Gion Odori" dance performance opened on November 1st at the Gion Kaikan.

This is the 56th annual performance. The geisha and maiko as always employ seasonal motifs in their costume and dance.

The performances are held twice daily - 1 pm and 4 pm - until November 10th.

Tickets are 3,500 yen (with tea 4,000).


Near the Gion stop on the City Bus line. The theater is a 15-minute walk from Shijo Station on the Keihan Line or from Kawaramachi Station on the Hankyu Kyoto Line.

Gion Higashi Kabu-kai
Telephone: 075 561 0224

Massive Saving in High5 Energy gels, Save 40% off

High5 IsoGel Sachets - 25 x 60g
SAVE 40% = £9.90


CycleKyoto Home Page


Friday, November 1, 2013

More Fall Cycling Goods


Below are some great products:

Gore Bike Wear Ladies Long Sleeve WINDSTOPPER Base Layer

SAVE 40% = £26.00
Your Wiggle price: £38.99

Gore Bike Wear Fusion Long Sleeve MTB Jersey
SAVE 30% = £25.50
Your Wiggle price: £59.49

Craft Ladies Performance Bike Stretch Jacket
LIST PRICE £120.00
SAVE 50% = £60.00
Your Wiggle price: £60.00

TYR Triathlon Singlet
SAVE 50% = £31.00
Your Wiggle price: £31.00

Fizik R3 Road Cycling Shoes - 2012
LIST PRICE £214.99
SAVE 50% = £107.49
Your Wiggle price: £107.50

Saucony Hattori LC Shoes
SAVE 40% = £34.00
Your Wiggle price: £51.00


CycleKyoto Home Page
