
About is first and foremost an information site. A clean look, minimal ads, and easy navigation will serve to help you better enjoy your cycling in Kyoto.

CycleKyoto is a bilingual reference for tourists and commuters, first-time visitors and long-time residents.

There is information on popular tourist routes for the temples and shrines, off the beaten trail routes, safety information, bike law, bike rental, where to stay, restaurants and cafes, public baths, hiking, weather, and more. is also an advocacy site. We will be active in and pushing for: bike lanes, improved parking, better safety, and more.


寺院や神社をめぐる人気の観光ルートや観光ルートを外れた自然の中を走る ルートの情報、安全情報、自転車関連法規、レンタサイクル、おすすめの宿泊施設、レストランやカフェ、温泉施設、ハイキング、天候をはじめとした様々な情報がここにはある。
