
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Japan Coast to Coast Charity Ride


Japan Coast to Coast grew out of one man's epic 6-week bike ride chasing the cherry blossom front along the length of Japan in 2000. Along the way, Lowell Sheppard discovered a statue of the 19th-century missionary Walter Weston on a semi-abandoned coastal road. Weston was the man who introduced Japan to the concept of mountaineering and research into his life and writings led Lowell to plan another bike ride - following Weston's trail across the Japan Alps and between the northern and southern coasts of the main island of Honshu.

Inspired by Lowell's bold plan, two friends agreed to join him on his weeklong journey and Japan Coast to Coast was born. Planning and physical preparation meant that the ride went well, and the rider's camaraderie and resourcefulness made event the occasional setback just another part of the fun and adventure. That ride, early June 2010, took in such spectacular scenic highlights as Kamikochi, Norikura and Hakuba and many warm and friendly encounters with locals not used to seeing foreigners, let alone three of them on bikes.

The scale of the challenge was a big motivation in itself, but what really made the trip - and the whole JC2C concept - all the more worthwhile was the fact that it was a fundraiser for the great aid work done by HOPE International Development Agency. Lowell is the Asia-Pacific Director of HOPE and his advice and experience helped them team raise over ¥600,000 in donations, funds that went directly to build wells that now provide clean drinking water for many families in Cambodia.

A second ride the following October saw the group grow to nine riders and a support vehicle. This ride was shorter at two days, and didn't have any major mountains along the way, but it provided quite a challenge for the less experienced cyclists.

The plans for 2011 are more ambitious still, with a JC2C challenge featuring more riders (probably in teams) and lots more fun! We are always happy to hear from cyclists across Japan who are interested in joining us.

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1 comment:

  1. A request to visit Japan Relief page to help survivors of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami by donating to non-profits listed there.
