
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fushimi Inari by Bike

Torii Gates at Fushimi Inari Kyoto自転車で伏見稲荷へ

Kyoto's Fushimi Inari is the top Inari shrine in Japan. Top out of some 32,000 inari shrines.

They are devoted to business, and as such are packed on New Year's Day.

We visited a few days prior to Christmas, and just about had the place to ourselves.

The famed gates - all 1300 of them - are normally clogged with tourists. Not last week.

The ride from the center of town takes about 30 minutes and is flat. The final stretch is on a narrow road, but nothing out of the ordinary for Kyoto.


Fushimi Inari Shrine
68 Fukakusa Yabu-no-uchi-cho, Kyoto

Entrance Fee: Free


CycleKyoto Home Page


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