
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Five Golden Safety Rules for Cycling Japan


The police are at it again.

Using a pliant media, the police have been reminding the cyclists of Japan of the five golden rules:

1. Bikes on roads, use of sidewalks is the exception
2. Ride on the left side of the road
3. Priority on sidewalks is for pedestrians, cyclists on sidewalks should ride on the street side - slowly
4. Follow safety rules (don't ride and drink, one person to a bike, don't ride side by side, light on at night, obey traffic rules and crossing lights)
5. Children must wear helmets

Hear hear. Point well taken.

In defense of the police, many cyclists do not follow the above rules. "Salmoning" in and between moving traffic, jumping up onto sidewalks, listening to iPods, texting, etc. are all common.

Rules should be enforced, fines levied. Follow the letter of the law. Trust me, misbehaving cyclists would soon get the message.

However, the larger problem - infrastructure - is that on the crowded roads of urban Japan often there is no choice but to break rules.

Without dedicated lanes for bicycles and an increase in the number of cyclists on the roads, accidents will continue to rise.


CycleKyoto Home Page


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