
Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Earthquake Data Update


March 14 earthquake data:

Magnitude: 9.0
Confirmed Dead: between 1,300 - 1,700
Missing in the town of Minami-Sanrikicho: 10,000 (of a population of 17,300)
Number stranded in Miyagi Prefecture: 20,000+
Number of People Exposed to Radioactivity: 190
Number of power plants "in trouble": four
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale: Level 4 (same as Three Mile Island)
Insured losses: $15 billion USD
Number of troops ordered to area for relief: 100,000

Prime Minister Naoto Kan: "I think that the earthquake, tsunami and the situation at our nuclear reactors makes up the worst crisis in the 65 years since the war. If the nation works together, we will overcome.”

American ambassador to Japan John Roos: "No other evacuations have been recommended" (beyond the 20 km from the reactors).


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