
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kyoto Graffiti Shisendo

kyoto graffiti京都落書き詩仙堂

On the narrow hilly streets close to Shisendo Temple are many of the traditional walls that delineate property lines and protect against intruders.

The walls are also divinely beautiful.

The main purpose of the ride was to visit, again, Shisendo.

It was built in 1641 by the poet Ishikawa Jozan (1583-1672), originally as a retreat for hermits.

Another visitor, one Kiyomizu Junji, pulled out his pen knife and signed his name on a nearby wall.


27 Monguchi-machi, Ichijoji, Sakyo-ku,
Tel: 075 781 2954
Admission: 500 yen for adults

For those taking public transportation, get off at Ichijoji Station on the Eiden Railways. Walk east toward the hills in the distance (Mt. Hiei). Cross Shirakawa Dori (street) and continue straight. Walk up the slope. On your right you will come to the gate of Shisendo. Another option is to take the number #5 bus from Kyoto Station and get off at the Ichijoji-sagarimatsu-cho bus stop.

For those cycling, it is about 10 minutes from the Silver Pavilion and the Philosopher's Walk.

Shisendo Temple, Kyoto©

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