
Monday, March 5, 2012

Worst Bike Lane in the World in Kyoto Update

Bike Lane Kyoto京都での世界一番最低の自転車専用レーンのアップデート

Last week we reported on a bicycle lane in Kyoto, which we called the "worst bike lane in the world."

Last year, installed a lane in front of the police headquarters. The lane was originally blue with white lettering indicating its purpose.

It was - and is - a disaster.

First, the lane is just one block. Second, on the west side, the lane runs through a taxi parking zone, which means cyclists have to weave out into traffic to go around the parked taxis waiting for cop clients.

Third, other vehicles often park in the lane.

Recently, however, a new development came to our attention. Kyoto, which is blessed with many beautiful buildings but horrific city planning and zoning enforcement, requires many businesses to tone down the colors of the building fronts. The best known example is McDonalds, which uses a warmer and more subtle red in its signage than can be found in other cities.

Thus, the once standard blue bicycle lane (above right) was offensive to the delicate sensibilities and thus was repainted a dull brown (below left).

More money down the drain for a meaningless lane.

Kyoto Bicycle Lane


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