
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cycling Lake Biwa

Bike Path Lake Biwa Japan自転車で琵琶湖一周

We are finally taking the plunge, though not we hope literally.

A friend and I are cycling the Lake Biwa circuit.

We both live in Kyoto, so will meet at Heian Shrine, say a quick prayer to the Cycling Gods - and then head up and over Sanjo into Otsu.

The plan is to head counter-clockwise, so we will head south from Otsu down to the bottom of the lake. Then we will head north towards Seta, Hikone, and Nagahama.

We will crash in a business hotel for the night, then start early on Day Two.

Cycling Gods willing, we will make it back to Kyoto by Sunday dinner, having cycled the entire 200+ km circuit of Mother Biwa.


CycleKyoto Home Page


1 comment:

  1. Wish I were back in Japan, as that is another route I would like to ride.Recently rode from Narita city to Tokushima via the coast roads with a couple of ferry trips. Missed out on Biwa area due to time constraints. May all your winds be tail winds.
