
Monday, March 11, 2013

First "Kosa" Yellow Sands From China Arrive in Western Japan

Kosa Yellow Sands京阪神初の黄砂

The annual influx of sand blown over from deserts in northern China has arrived in western Japan.

The sand particles join another unwelcome visitor from China: toxic particles. The latter started arriving last month and are believed to be emissions from factories in China.

The sand, while mildly irritating, is not believed to be bad for one's health.

According to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, "...yellow sand was blown up from the Asian Continent by a frontal wind with low atmospheric pressure and was brought to Western Japan by the prevailing westerlies there."

Beyond weather and news reports, one becomes aware of the sand when a yellowish-green film appears on car and home windows, and on particularly heavy days on the road itself.

In Kyoto, visibility on Saturday was just 8 km and Osaka (pictured) worse.

We will continue wearing our ungainly bike mask.


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