
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Telephone Poles and Wires Buried in Kyoto Kamishichiken Geisha Area

Kamishichiken Kyoto上七軒、すっきりどす 「北野をどり」前に無電柱化完了

Street work in Kyoto's oldest geisha area, Kamishichiken, is now complete.

The unsightly telephone poles and wires have been buried under the street.

The photo above right is dated and gives an idea of what the otherwise lovely streetscape looks like.

Those poles and the wires overhead are now gone, hidden below street level.

This follows the example in areas of Gion.

We are hoping in the current political climate that some of the Abenomics windfall will make its way down to Kyoto and start work on burying the rest of the city's wires.


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