
Monday, May 27, 2013

Japanese Paper Doll Exhibit Arashiyama Shigureden

和紙人形、わが子のように 嵐山・時雨殿で展示

At Shigureden, in Arashiyama, there is an exhibit of paper dolls that runs until July 21.

Shigureden is an exhibition space cum villa that opened in 2006 in the western part of Kyoto.

Shigureden also is part of the mountain villa where the Ogura Anthology of One Hundred Tanka by One Hundred Poets first appeared. The anthology of poems was created between the 10th and 11th centuries by poets and nobility from the House of Fujiwara.

The dolls are made out of washi Japanese paper and took four years to make.


Shigureden is closed on Mondays.

High School students and older 500 yen, junior and elementary school students 200 yen

11 Sagatenryuji-Susukinobabacho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 616-8385
Tel: 075 882 1111


For cyclists, it is a short ride from central Arashiyama or the bridge, and parking is not a problem in the area.


CycleKyoto Home Page


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