
Monday, June 24, 2013

Emperor and Empress Visit Kyoto

Royal Couple Myoshinji両陛下、妙心寺を訪問 国際会議出席へ

We were wondering what all the cops were doing at 8:30 pm in front of the Imperial Palace and Doshisha University - two to a corner - on a Friday night.

Then, it was helicopters circling overhead the next morning.

Answer: their royal majesties were in Kyoto over the weekend.

The Emperor and Empress rode a special bullet train down from Tokyo to visit Myoshinji Temple and, up north, the International Convention Center.

The Emperor's ancestors - along with most of Japan's aristocracy - decamped from Kyoto to Tokyo in 1868.

Thus, he alas speaks in standard Japanese and not the mellifluent dialect of Kyoto, as his predecessors did for some 1,000 years.


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