
Monday, June 3, 2013

Firefly Release in Daikakuji Temple Kyoto

Daikakuji Temple Kyotoゲンジボタル1200匹、境内に放ち 大覚寺で放生会

At Daikakuji Temple, in western Kyoto, 1200 Genji Fireflies (genji hotaru) were released on Saturday evening.

The purpose of the event is of course to release into the wild beautiful fireflies. In addition, it is a ritual that symbolizes the Buddhist prohibition against killing living things.

At the same time, as the same suggests, the firefly is named for The Tale of Genji, the world's first novel, and which is set in 11th century Kyoto.

The event began two years ago.

1200 is roughly the age of the city of Kyoto, which was founded in 794 C.E.

Closer to home, the small river behind our house also has in recent years seen a rise in the number of  fireflies.

Photo ©Kyoto Shinbun


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