
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Typhoon 18 Causes Flooding in Kyoto

kyoto-flood台風18号、京都・滋賀で豪雨 桂川、由良川氾濫

Kyoto got hit hard by a typhoon that passed through western Japan over the weekend.

Typhoon 18 hit Kyoto on the 16th and caused extensive damage and flooding.

The Katsura River, which flows near Arashiyama, overflowed its banks.

Much worse flooding however took place in Kameoka, a town of 80,000 outside of Kyoto. There 29,700 households were ordered to evacuate because of high waters from the Yura River.

Pictured above is the main bridge in Arashiyama, the Togetsukyo, at the peak of the storm.

In addition, JR lines and the bullet trains were not running for hours.

Today is a beautiful perfect fall day. The brief blackout is a memory, the trains are running, and the waters have receded.

Photo© Kyoto Shinbun


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