
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kamo River Dining

Kawadoko Deck Kyoto京都鴨川の川床

It is that divine time of year when Kyotoites dine under the stars by the river.

Every May the restaurants along the Kamo River in central Kyoto erect decks that abut the rear of buildings and face the river.

This allows for more business - tables and chairs are set up on the decks - and a wonderful night of cold beer, cool breezes, and a great view of the mountains in the distance or the city up close, as one tucks into a delightful meal.

At many places reservations are required. However, at non-traditional restaurants - Thai, for example - or those towards the northern or southern ends of the stretch of establishments, you can usually just walk in.

Kyoto is one of the only - the only? - in which outdoor dining is part of the local culture.

The decks will be up until early September.


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