
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cycling Lake Biwa (again)

Bike Path Lake Biwa Japan自転車で琵琶湖一周

In October we are doing the Lake Biwa circuit. This will be the second time, and this time we will ride clockwise around Japan's largest lake.

That means Otsu to Makino, where we hope to spend a night. From there, we head into Oku Biwa (Upper Biwa), then down into Nagahama and back around to Otsu.

Three friends will join me for the Lake Biwa circuit.

Two of us live in Kyoto, so will meet at Heian Shrine, say a quick prayer to the Cycling Gods - and then head up and over Sanjo into Otsu.

The other riders live in Tokyo and Shiga. They will join us in Otsu.

Already, in early September, the weather Gods are shining, and a nip is in the air.

Mother Biwa awaits.


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